Welcome to the website (“Site”) of Free your Flow (“FYF”, “We”, “Us”, “Our”), We are a company that is committed to keeping your personal information and data confidential. We do not sell, rent or lease the information and data of the individuals, enterprises, or users with whom we conduct business to third parties, except for the cases described in Section 8.

In an effort to maintain efficient service while respecting the privacy of those who visit this Site and correspond electronically with Us, FYF has created and posted the following Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”, “Policy”).


We are FYF, a Colombian company created in 2018 which specializes in automation projects and no-code/low-code tools, and is currently operating in Colombia and all over the world. We process Your personal data as controller (“Controller”). This means that We are responsible for how We process and protect Your data. If information regarding personal information or data of the user is needed, our contact information is the following:


Business registration


Registration number: 901294391-4 nit

Date of registration:  14 de junio de 2019


FYF Chief Executive Officer: Nicolas Marsiglia

Email address: [email protected]

Phone number: +57 3192343171‬


FYF Webmaster:

Alexandre Moussier



This Site is hosted by the company Bluehost

Business address: calle 86 20 47 Bogota

Email address: [email protected]

Phone number: +57 3192343171‬


We will collect personally identifiable information that users, individuals or companies (“You”, “Your”, “Yours”) provide to Us on Our Site, including, but not limited to, Your first name, last name, email address, company, position, number of employees, and information in message boxes, which are requested when you fill out a form in the following sections of Our Site (see Section 3 of this Policy). We may also include information posted as a comment or contribution, demographics information (i.e., Your location), and behavioral history, such as cookies, the moment in which You land in Our Site, web traffic and interactions with the Site, among others.



In order to ask for either information or services from Us, you may be required to fill out one or various form(s) and provide personally identifiable information which We shall use to process what You request, including, but not limited to, contact, subscription, and newsletter forms. 

Remember that, when We ask You to fill in Your personal data to give You access to any service offered by FYF or send Us Your contact information, We will mark certain fields as required, since this is information that We need to be able to provide the service or receive the contact information in question. Please take into account that, if You decide not to make such data available to Us, You may be unable to send Us your contact information or to hire Our services.

In case You need to find out more about the forms mentioned above, here is a list:


1) Home (Start now!): https://freeyourflow.co/. 1) You can fill out a form to start your automation process with FYF and send it. There are two options in this section:

  1.     I want to know more!, https://freeyourflow.co/landing/, which offers more information on FYF, and another form that may be completed to download a PDF with information on automation.
  2.     Subscribe, https://freeyourflow.co/new-home/.

2) Services (Start now!): https://freeyourflow.co/services/. There is a description of the two plans offered, for which options i) and ii) mentioned above repeat.

3) How does it work? (Start now): https://freeyourflow.co/how-it-works/. Options i) and ii) mentioned above repeat.

4) Case studies (Start now): https://freeyourflow.co/case-studies/. Options i) and ii) mentioned above repeat.

5) Blog: https://freeyourflow.co/blog/. Options i) and ii) mentioned above repeat.

6) About us (Start now): https://freeyourflow.co/case-studies/. Options i) and ii) mentioned above repeat.

7) Contact: https://freeyourflow.co/contact/ 



We will use Your data (collected online or in person) among other purposes, to manage Your questions, inquiries, purchases of services and plans, and any other purposes described in Section 3 above. We may also use Your data to send You Our customized communications or newsletter if you wish so, to conduct market research, and for promotion and marketing purposes.

1) For the development, performance and execution of the purchase or services contract that you executed with Us (on the Site) 

This purpose includes processing Your data, mainly:

  1. To contact You for updates or informative notices related to the contracted services, and to be able to establish the degree of customer satisfaction with the provided service;
  2. To manage the payment of the services that You purchase, regardless of the payment procedure used. 


    III.  To activate the necessary arrangements in order to control and prevent potential fraud against you and against us during the purchase process. If we consider that the transaction can be fraudulent, this processing may cause the blocking of the transaction.

  1.     For invoicing purposes and to make available to You the invoices of the purchases that You have made through the Site.


  1.     To ensure that You are able to use other available services


2) To meet the information and other requests that you make through our Site

We only process the personal data that are strictly necessary to manage or resolve Your requests.


3) For marketing purposes.

This purpose includes the processing of Your data, mainly, for:


  1.     If and when you subscribe to our Newsletter, we will process your personal data to manage your subscription, including to send customized information on Our services through various means (such as e-mail or SMS). We may also make available to you this information through push notifications in case you have activated them in your mobile device.
  2.     Accordingly, please take into account that this data processing implies analysis of Your user or customer profile to establish your preferences; and therefore, which services are most fit for your when sending you information. For example, based on your purchases and browsing history (i.e., depending on the services you have chosen), We will make You suggestions on products that We believe may interest You. Remember that you may unsubscribe (from the Newsletter) at any time without cost through the XXX section of the Site, in addition to through the instructions that We provide you with in each notice. If you do not want to receive push notifications, you can deactivate this option in your mobile device.


         III.     To disseminate in the Site or through Our channels in the social networks photographs or pictures that You shared publicly, provided that you expressly give us your consent for the purpose. For example, if you tag FYF on Your Instagram. 


4) Analysis of usability and quality to improve our services


If You access our Site, we inform You that We will treat Your browsing data for analytic and statistic purposes, i.e., to understand the manner in which users interact with our Site; and thus, be capable of introducing improvements in the Site.

In addition, we occasionally perform actions to know the degree of satisfaction of our customers and users, and detect those areas in which we may improve.



The legal terms on which we are permitted to process your personal data also depends on the purpose for which we process them, as explained below:

1) Development, performance and making of purchases and service contract 

We process Your data because their processing is necessary for Us to make the purchase or services contract with You. Certain processing of data related to the purchase process is activated only because You request or authorize it. In these cases, Our processing of Your data is supported by Your own consent.

We consider that We have a legitimate interest to carry out the necessary verifications to detect and prevent potential fraud when You make a purchase or hire a service. We understand that the processing of these data is positive for all the participating parties when a purchase or service is paid and, in particular, for You, since this allows Us to establish measures to protect You from fraud attempts by third parties.


2) Customer support

We consider that we have legitimate interest in answering the requests or consultations raised by You through the existing different contact channels. We understand that the processing of these data is also beneficial to You to the extent that it enables Us to assist you adequately and answer to the consultations raised.

When You get in touch with Us, in particular, for the management of incidents related to Your order or the service acquired through the Site, the processing of your data is necessary to perform the purchase contract. When Your consultation is related to the exercise of Your rights specified below in Section 8 or to claims on Our services, We are legally permitted to process your data for compliance with Our legal obligations.


3) Marketing

We re legally permitted to process Your data for marketing purposes due to the consent that you give Us, for example, when You accept receiving   information through multiple channels, when authorizing the sending of push notifications in your mobile device or when accepting the legal terms and conditions to participate in a promotional action or to post Your pictures on Our social networks’ channels.

In order to show You customized information, We consider that We have a legitimate interest to conduct a profiling with the information that We have about you (such as Your browsing, preferences, or purchase history) and the personal data that You have provided Us, including, but not limited to, since We understand that the processing of these data is also beneficial to You because it allows You to improve Your user experience and access the information in accordance with Your preferences.


4) Analysis of usability and quality

We consider that We have a legitimate interest in analyzing the Site usability and the user’s satisfaction degree, since We understand that the processing of these data is also beneficial for Your because the purpose is to improve the user experience and provide a higher quality service.



The time for which We will keep Your data will depend on the purposes for which We process them, as explained below:

1) Development, performance and execution of the purchase or services contract

We will process Your data for the time necessary to manage the purchase of the services that You buy, including potential returns complaints, or claims related to such purchase. Sometimes, We will only process the data until the time when You decide, as is the case of payment (card) data that you requested us to store for future purchases of services.

2) Customer support

We will process Your data for the time necessary to meet Your information or other requests.

3) Marketing

We will process Your date until you unsubscribe or cancel your subscription to Our Site/newsletter (Choose accordingly). If you participate in promotional actions, we will keep the data during a six (6) months period from the end of the action. 

4) Analysis of usability and quality

We will process Your data occasionally for the time during which We proceed to carry out a specific action or survey or until we anonymize your browsing data.



We share your data with service providers who provide us with assistance or support, or third party providers. To achieve the purposes of this Privacy Policy, we may give access to your personal data and to third parties that provide Us with support in the services that We offer You, i.e.:



You may opt out of getting Your information or persona data collected and stored by Us through our Site in the nature described in Section 2. For this, You may contact FYF to find out what kind of information We have about You. The individuals, companies and user whose information we hold have the right to access their information, know what kind of information we have on, rectify it, correct it, to have it removed from Our system database. You may also opt by clicking on the Unsubscribe button on our emails or by changing your subscription preferences.

The personal data collected on the Site regarding the user may not be used by the Site owner. The collection and processing of such information are made in accordance with the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012 and Decree 1377 of 2013 and other regulations applicable to the matter, which allows the Site user to be entitled to the access and rectification of this data. We undertake to keep your personal data confidential and to ensure that you may exercise your rights, which are fully described below. Bearing that in mind, you may exercise your rights free of charge by sending an email to the Chief Executive Officer of FYF, Nicolas Marsiglia, address Calle 86  #20-47, Bogotá, email address: [email protected], phone number: +573192343171‬. In your communication, you should simply notify us of the reason of Your request and the right that You wish to exercise. If we consider this necessary to be able to identify you, we may request you to provide a copy of a document evidencing your identity.


Updating personal information and participation

You may contact FYF as set forth below to update Your personally identifiable information, opt in to, or opt out of any service at any time. We will provide opt-in and opt-out opportunities as applicable to the service offered.

Privacy Policy updates

Should any changes be made to this Privacy Policy, We will post them on this Site with appropriate explanation.

Acceptance of our Privacy Policy Terms

Using the Site indicates Your acceptance of our Privacy Policy. Your continued visits to the Site after changes are posted to this Policy will signify your acceptance of those changes.